Year: 2023
Financial costs of a DUI in Pennsylvania
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, known for its rich history and diverse landscapes, also has stringent laws when it comes to driving under the influence. The Department of Transportation reported that 20% of all fatal traffic accidents are due to impaired driving. Beyond the obvious risks to safety, the financial consequences...
What should you do at a DUI checkpoint?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported fatal alcohol-related crashes have decreased in the 1980s due to various law enforcement efforts. One of those is the use of sobriety checkpoints. Encountering a DUI checkpoint may cause some apprehension among drivers. These checkpoints serve the purpose of deterring and identifying...
What can affect your blood alcohol content level?
It is a common assumption: One drink equals a certain rise in blood alcohol content. However, this oversimplifies a complex process influenced by many variables. By understanding these factors, you might better appreciate the nuances and unpredictability of BAC levels, making you think twice before making assumptions about your or...
When do authorities have the right to search your car or home?
You have certain rights and protections when authorities in Pennsylvania want to search your car or your home, and you do not always have to allow such a search to take place unless certain circumstances are in place. Knowing when you have to allow a law enforcement officer to conduct...
Can you be charged with a DUI even if your vehicle is off?
A DUI charge can lead to significant consequences, including potential driver’s license loss, fines, and even jail time. Most people understand that driving while intoxicated can result in a DUI charge, but it might surprise them to learn that they can also face DUI charges even if their vehicle is...
What to know about DUI checkpoints in Pennsylvania
Police utilize DUI checkpoints, also called sobriety checkpoints, as a way of identifying those driving under the influence. While these checkpoints are legal in Pennsylvania, police must follow certain rules in conducting them. Knowing how checkpoints work gives you a better idea of your rights and helps you avoid confusion...