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What are the penalties for DUIs in Pennsylvania?

Plenty of people have found themselves in a situation in which they felt fine to drive, only to find that their blood alcohol content is over the legal limit after stopping for the police. If this happened to you, you should know the potential consequences of driving under the influence in Pennsylvania.

The legal limit of alcohol is under 0.08 BAC. If you perform a breathalyzer test and it shows a BAC of 0.08 or higher, you could face DUI charges.

What impacts the penalties for DUIs in Pennsylvania?

In the state of Pennsylvania, there are three ranges of DUI’s based on the BAC of the driver. The levels are general impairment (BAC of .08 to .099% BAC), high BAC (.10 to .159% BAC) and highest BAC (.16 and over BAC).

Under current law, minors, commercial drivers, school bus drivers and drivers who injure someone or cause property damage in an accident could receive punishments for higher BAC levels. Further, refusing a BAC test could result in the highest BAC penalties.

What are the penalties for driving impaired in Pennsylvania?

There is a large range of penalizations for DUIs in Pennsylvania. The least strict sentence includes an upgraded misdemeanor charge with a $300 fine, as much as six months probation, alcohol highway safety school and treatment if ordered by the court. The most severe penalty for multiple offenses at the highest BAC level includes a first-degree misdemeanor charge, 18-month license suspension, one to five years in prison, a fine of up to $10,000, alcohol treatment if ordered and a one-year ignition interlock.

The consequences for DUIs are steep, avoiding them whenever possible is wise.