Blog Posts - Criminal defense
What Rights Do Felons Lose in Pennsylvania?
A felony is a serious criminal charge. In Pennsylvania, all felony offenses carry at least one year in state prison as a possible sentence. Many felonies can lead to far more serious penalties. Beyond that, a convicted felon in the Commonwealth can lose certain rights. At The Hoover Firm, LLC,...
Penalties for assault and violent crimes
In Pennsylvania, assault and violent crimes come with various penalties that reflect the severity of the offense and the circumstances surrounding each case. It’s important for residents to understand how the state categorizes and penalizes these violent acts. Potential penalties for an assault conviction Assault in Pennsylvania carries significant penalties....
When do authorities have the right to search your car or home?
You have certain rights and protections when authorities in Pennsylvania want to search your car or your home, and you do not always have to allow such a search to take place unless certain circumstances are in place. Knowing when you have to allow a law enforcement officer to conduct...
Reasonable suspicion and probable cause what do they mean?
Almost everyone knows that the terms reasonable suspicion and probable cause relate to law enforcement and court cases, but how do they actually impact your rights and the legality of actions taken by police officers? Whether you currently face a criminal charge or want to protect your rights in the...
Are DUIs a misdemeanor or felony in Pennsylvania?
If you are facing DUI charges, make it a point to familiarize yourself with the distinction between a misdemeanor and a felony conviction. Felony DUI charges tend to carry higher fines as well as mandatory jail time. In Pennsylvania, most DUI charges are a misdemeanor. However, there are a few...
What happens if you get a DUI in another state?
If you live in Pennsylvania and travel to a nearby state, you may wonder what your penalties will look like if you get pulled over for drinking and driving while out of state. You may also wonder if the state of Pennsylvania will even know about your arrest upon return....
Will you lose your license after a DUI in Pennsylvania?
Impaired driving in the state of Pennsylvania can bring steep consequences. In addition to the safety risks to yourself, passengers or other motorists, there are serious legal concerns. Penalties for DUI include jail time or loss of a license. The severity of the penalties increases with multiple offenses or high...
How is self-defense defined in Pennsylvania?
Self-defense is a broad term that encompasses using force against another person who you believe wants to cause you immediate harm. Certain factors have to be present before labeling something as self-defense, and these factors can vary depending on where you are in the country. If all of these factors...
What should I do if police claim I was driving while high in PA?
Pennsylvania takes a strict approach to driving and marijuana use. Any presence of marijuana, and that driver could find themselves facing criminal charges for a driving under the influence (DUI) or DUI of drugs (DUID) violation. With this approach it is not surprising that the state is known for a...
Can the use of prescription medications lead to DUI charges?
A Pennsylvania driving under the influence charge may lead to serious, life-changing penalties if it leads to a conviction. You may think you are in the clear if you always abstain from driving after drinking. However, certain medications may lead to DUI charges if they hinder your ability to operate...
What happens if I refuse to take a sobriety test?
Whether you had one drink or several before getting behind the wheel, the red and blue lights on a police car may be the last thing you want to see in your rearview mirror. The officer’s job is to get you off the road if you are a danger to...
Common reasons drunk driving charges undergo dismissal
When Pennsylvania authorities stop your vehicle and charge you with driving under the influence, you may fear the repercussions you may face in the aftermath. The penalties associated with drinking and driving in Pennsylvania are considerable. However, not every drunk driving charge results in a conviction. Instead, many drunk driving...
Get the facts about Dauphin County Drug Court
Offenders in the Harrisburg area facing drug and alcohol related criminal charges may qualify for drug court in Dauphin County. This diversion program offers intensive court-supervised treatment for substance abuse issues with the goal of achieving a sober lifestyle and preventing future involvement with the court system. Review the program...
Proving self-defense after an assault accusation
Accusations of assault have the potential to lead to serious legal trouble, regardless of whether those accusations have merit. If someone attacks you and you behave aggressively to protect yourself, you may be able to show that you acted in self-defense. The self-defense argument is a common one following a...
Understanding Pennsylvania assault charges
Pennsylvania distinguishes between simple assault and aggravated assault. If you face assault charges, the circumstances of the case will determine the type of conviction the defendant may receive if found guilty. Review the difference between simple and aggravated assault in Pennsylvania. Simple assault The state can impose simple assault charges...
Just say no Why you shouldn’t let police search your car
If you get stopped by police, you expect a routine traffic stop. But if the police ask to search your vehicle, what should you do? In Pennsylvania, the best thing to do is politely, but firmly, say no. Responding to a police request to search a car The police need...