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What should you do at a DUI checkpoint?

On Behalf of | Nov 3, 2023 | Drunk Driving

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported fatal alcohol-related crashes have decreased in the 1980s due to various law enforcement efforts. One of those is the use of sobriety checkpoints.

Encountering a DUI checkpoint may cause some apprehension among drivers. These checkpoints serve the purpose of deterring and identifying impaired drivers to enhance overall road safety. Should you find yourself in this situation, it is essential to understand how to navigate it within the bounds of the law.

Understand the basics

The setup of DUI checkpoints is typically in locations with a history of impaired driving incidents. The primary objective of the officers is to identify signs of intoxication and ensure that drivers are not operating their vehicles under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Approach the checkpoint carefully

Stay in the designated lane as you approach the checkpoint, avoiding abrupt lane changes. This demonstrates consistent and safe driving. Roll down your window to facilitate communication with the officer. Keep your hands visible on the steering wheel to indicate that you do not pose a threat. Have your driver’s license, registration and proof of insurance ready to provide upon request.

Interact properly

Maintaining a composed demeanor and following the instructions given by the law enforcement officers present is of utmost importance. When an officer approaches your vehicle, maintain a polite and cooperative attitude. Respond to their questions succinctly and honestly, but avoid volunteering information that could potentially incriminate you. Staying calm and composed contributes to a hassle-free experience for both you and the officers.

Know what to expect

In some instances, officers may ask you to perform field sobriety tests or take a breath test. You may have the right to decline these tests, though there may be legal consequences for doing so. Familiarize yourself with the regulations regarding test refusal in your area. Also, be aware that DUI checkpoints can be time-consuming, so expect to remain at the location for a little while.

Approaching a DUI checkpoint can be a straightforward process when you know what to expect and how to conduct yourself. Ultimately, keep in mind that the main objective is to promote road safety and deter impaired driving.